Campaign Library initiative
#MauticCampaignLibrary Innovation in Action: Establishing Mautic's Campaign Library
Project name: Campaign Library Phase 1
Status: 🟢 On target
Development this week has seen Levente add the UI to the import feature and add in additional entities like custom fields to both import and export. Additional checking around valid JSON formatting was added into the export routine. The import UI echoes that used for importing contacts - making the work more straightforward for us and also adding consistency between features.
Elsewhere I have been experimenting with testing. Initially I started with the Playwright framework in PHP until I discovered that Mautic already uses Codeception. I...
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Project name: Campaign Library Phase 1
Status: 🟢 On target
This week, the development effort has continued to focus on adding more entities to the import and export routines with the mapping of dependencies being a key challenge. The goal of the project is to deliver a structure that no matter what campaign setups users may have, the export and import functions will be able to recognise and replicate them. We are doing our best to make this a robust solution that can cope with whatever Mautic users out there can throw at it!
Also with robustness in mind, I have been looking into some of the 'non-...
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Project name: Campaign Library Phase 1
Status: 🟢 On target
This week the focus for development has been on adding more intelligence into the import and export routines so that they will cater for more dependencies based on the data that's been set up for campaigns. The likely variation is one of the larger risks for the project so Levente and I have been very grateful for the support and expertise of Jan Linhart here.
We did a sprint review of our first sprint early in the week, with the main outcome being that we want to regularly have a review at the end of each sprint to demo what's been deliv...
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Hi all
Project name: Campaign Library Phase 1
Status: 🟢 On target
Following the successful completion of the proof of concept and the start of the UI for the export and import features coming together, this week has all been about thinking about edge cases.
I have been wracking my brain and the Mautic documentation to get to grips with what could be the more complicated ways that people use Mautic, and running through checking that our work will make sure our features are robust when importing and exporting campaigns. As a result we are now up to 4 sprints (of a planned 10) full of work to comple...
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