#MauticCouncil Council
Q3 2024 Council Meeting
Leuchtfeuer Digital Marketing
Welcome to the Q3 meeting of the Mautic Council, where the Council members convene to discuss strategic initiatives and make foundational decisions shaping the future of Mautic.
Council members have a unique platform at this meeting to bring forth and advocate for topics that matter most to our community, fostering innovation and growth. If you are a council member and there are specific topics that you wish to propose for consideration during the council meeting, we urge you to use the Proposals Component on our portal. Your ideas not only pave the way for meaningful dialogue but also form the bedrock of our collective decision-making process.
Meeting notes will be shared via the Etherpad and provided once the meeting is closed.
Council meeting agenda
Review Actions from last meeting [ 12:00 - 12:00]
- Ruth to propose a process for leader nominations. To be actioned before the MautiCon event.
- Ruth & Ekke to firm up the General Assembly meeting time, format and agenda before the end of June
- To propose a mentoring/onboarding workflow which will work project-wide and help us better onboard new contributors. Ruth and Favour to work on this and propose at the next Council meeting.
- Ruth and Andy to work on redefining the mission, vision and short/long term strategy/operational plan before MautiCon
- Ruth and Dominique to work on the necessary docs for the General Assembly and formally communicating information about the budget / financial situation.
- To discuss async about how (and how much) we pay people with a view to making a proposal for discussion in the General Assembly. Ekke to action this.
- Prateek to follow up on research re. certification and fundraising in other open source communities and propose a route forward.
- Decide on whether we want to have a Council panel at MautiCon and if so, when / what to cover.
- Send email to Slack opting out of the AI/ML model use (Ruth)
- Ruth to ensure honorary members are mentioned at MautiCon.
Financial update end of Q2 [ 12:00 - 12:00]
Free trial update [ 12:00 - 12:00]
MautiCon preparations & sales [ 12:00 - 12:00]
2025 budget update [ 12:00 - 12:00]
(which we will propose for adoption at the General Assembly)
GSoC contributions [ 12:00 - 12:00]
(project update)
Agree with the expenses from defending the trademark [ 12:00 - 12:00]
claim: $1500 to prepare and send the letter to MDirector, $1500 for a two-class US application to trademark the logo (didn't get the +1 from everybody in Slack)
Reallocation of existing budgeted funds to a 5h/wk project manager [ 12:00 - 12:00]
for the website redesign project which will reorient the site towards a product-focused website, built in WordPress for ease of maintenance and with a focus on driving interest and engagement with content, trial signups and newsletter. Scope of project is outlined here:
Council report for the General Assembly - need someone to own creating this [ 12:00 - 12:00]
Other Topics [ 12:00 - 12:00]
Meeting Minutes
- Ruth Cheesley
- Ekke Guembel
- Jan Linhart
- Favour Chibueze
- Dominque De Cooman
- Prateek Jain
- Norman Pracht
- Andy Towne
- Review Actions from last meeting
- Ruth to send email to Pam with request for registering the Mautic logo in the USA only, and sending a strongly worded response. To be actioned before the end of June.
- Ruth: Email sent to Pam, just waiting on approval on the funds needed for the next steps (see email)
- Ruth to propose a process for leader nominations. To be actioned before the MautiCon event.
- Ruth: I will get the process for electing new team leads implemented this week - it'll be a voting process in the General Assembly Action: To discuss this offline as to where to put the nomination processes (single team or global)
- Ruth & Ekke to firm up the General Assembly meeting time, format and agenda before the end of June
- Ruth: General Assembly is set for 11th July, meeting is published at and we're working on the docs needed for approval. Voting goes live on 1 July so please respond to requests for feedback as soon as possible. See for the overview. Team Leads have been advised re. preparing their short overview. Council needs also to prepare a short overview, someone needs to take this on as an action. (Norman)
- To propose a mentoring/onboarding workflow which will work project-wide and help us better onboard new contributors. Ruth and Favour to work on this and propose at the next Council meeting.
- Ruth: Onboarding: Favour to present (in progresss, both raising awarenss of how people can contribute, and also the strategic process for mentoring people)
- Ruth and Andy to work on redefining the mission, vision and short/long term strategy/operational plan before MautiCon
- Ruth: Mission/vision/strategy/plan - we haven't had a chance to fully confirm this but I'll try to connect with Andy before the meeting to get this finalised.
- Haven't been able to connect yet, and probably won't be able to before the conference.
- Ruth and Dominique to work on the necessary docs for the General Assembly and formally communicating information about the budget / financial situation.
- Financial report is here: - ready to be finalised just needs Dominique's signature
- To discuss async about how (and how much) we pay people with a view to making a proposal for discussion in the General Assembly. Ekke to action this.
- Ekke: Async discussion started on Slack, Ruth shared an example of a calculator which was used by Open Collective Foundation in the past, but maybe it's not the best way of going forward:
- Discussion on the practicalities of whether we can find a way, maybe using the Big Mac Index, to define salary rates.
- Options discussed: Same payment for all roles, different payment for different roles, different payment based on geographical location. Discussions on how we decide the remuneration.
- Should we invite people to apply and specify their salary expectation, and/or to be upfront with a salary banding (perhaps defined by seniority of role?)
- Dominique talked about having a matrix with the roles, levels, skills, and salary which is also localised. It's quite complex to build though, and quite complex.
- Proposal: Remove the $40/hr rate on the payment of contributors, and instead determine on a per-role basis, considering the requirements of the role, seniority and economic factors involved. Action: Dominique to make a proposal
- Prateek to follow up on research re. certification and fundraising in other open source communities and propose a route forward.
- Certification on the individual level via 3rd party platforms like Coursera, OS training, Udemy
- One certificate for developer, another for a marketer. Focus on marketers/integrators first.
- We need to plan for other activities related like badges on the community website
- Concerns: The effort, RFP required
- Next steps: refine this more, cost estimation, estimate of how big the market is (Prateek)
- Not enough time to research fundraising
- Decide on whether we want to have a Council panel at MautiCon and if so, when / what to cover.
- Use this panel instead of the day 2 keynote on Thursday morning 8 am UTC.
- Topics? Ask the community on social media for questions (Prateek will manage)
- Host? Simran? (Prateek will ask)
- Prateek, Andy cannot attend
- Decision: We are going ahead with the pannel.
- Send email to Slack opting out of the AI/ML model use (Ruth)
- Ruth: mail sent to Slack, we're opted out of the AI/ML model learning.
- Ruth to ensure honorary members are mentioned at MautiCon.
- Ruth: I'll add Honorary Members in my keynote.
- Financial update end of Q2
- Ambitious, possibly overambitious?
- Trial income was adjusted to be lower than expected
- LTS support is a possible income stream
- $2.5k - $25k?
- This would fund a part time software engineer in the security team to fix security vulnerabilities for M5 and port them to M4 as well
- There would be a private M4 github repository and whoever pays for M4 LTS support will get access to that repository
- Free trial update
- Proposal to update the website as the biggest part of the visits are just hobby or one man show people and aim it to SMB, SME, enterprise segments
- There will be a product and a community site
- Add more values for sponsors. They will be featured in their vertical
- Only 10% start using the product, almost none installs the tracking script
- The trial experience is still evolving including the documentation
- Discussion on allocation of funding for someone to manage the website rebuilding project for a fixed duration (2 months) versus having someone taking off some of the tasks from Ruth's workload
- Action: Ruth to make her workload more transparent so that the Council can see what work is being done and what can be taken up by someone else.
- MautiCon preparations & sales
- Ekke: over 100 tickets sold. 200 is the expectation
- In person location: Lisbon, Portugal (November 2024)
- 2025 budget update (which we will propose for adoption at the General Assembly)
- GSoC contributions (project update)
- Both projects are doing good
- Agree with the expenses from defending the trademark claim: $1500 to prepare and send the letter to MDirector, $1500 for a two-class US application to trademark the logo (didn't get the +1 from everybody in Slack)
- Agreed
- Reallocation of existing budgeted funds to a 5h/wk project manager for the website redesign project which will reorient the site towards a product-focused website, built in WordPress for ease of maintenance and with a focus on driving interest and engagement with content, trial signups and newsletter. Scope of project is outlined here:
- Council report for the General Assembly - need someone to own creating this
- The council volunteered Norman to get this done
- Other Topics
- Ruth:
- To discuss this offline as to where to put the nomination processes (single team or global)
- make workload more transparent so that the Council can see what work is being done and what can be taken up by someone else.
- Norman:
- Council report (short overview) of what the council did since its inception for the General Assembly
- Ruth & Andy
- Ruth and Andy to work on redefining the mission, vision and short/long term strategy/operational plan before MautiCon - continues from Q2.
- Dominique
- Sign off the financial report
- Write a proposal about how (and how much) we pay people working for the community
- Prateek
- certification: refine this more, cost estimation, estimate of how big the market is
- fundraising: Research continue from Q2
- Ask Simran:
- Gather questions for the Council Panel on Mauticon from the community on social media
- If she could host the Panel
Related proposals:
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