Council Elections 2023
#MauticCouncil Transform the future: Elect Mautic's Council
Changes at "Proposing Sven Döring"
- +{"en"=>"Proposing Sven Döring"}
Personal information
Nominee's full name:Sven Alexander Döring
Nominee's pronouns:he/him
Nominee's location:GermanyAffiliations
All nominees must fully and explicitly declare all affiliations as defined in the Governance Model. Failure to disclose affiliations will result in your application or subsequent elected position being revoked.
Nominee's declared affiliations
- Accenture (till 12.2023)
- Wunderman Thompson (will be called VML from January 2024 onwards) (from 12.2023)
- moorwald | sven döring (my freelance business I run alone)
What is your background with Mautic?
I am Co-Leading the Markeitng Team for the Mautic Project. I helped to setup a Mautic instance for a big German governmental agency and consulted other public entities into how to build their own, open source based digital experience platforms with Mautic at theri core.
I am using it for smaller clients that use it to automate their marketing while maintaining control over their customers data.
What contributions have you made to Mautic?
I contributed by testing quite extensively in the beginning of 2023. I am working on public outreach, creating blog posts for the Mautic blog, creating visual materials for \"marketing\" the Mautic project and quite a few visuals for the Mauticon 2023.
My goal is to use my skills to further promote Mautic as a viable tool for organizations of any size to stay in contact with their customers, leads and users.
What is your vision for Mautic?
My goal is to use my skills to further promote Mautic as a viable tool for organizations of any size to stay in contact with their customers, leads and users.
I would love to see the community grow and become more active leading to a higher number of active code and design contributors as well as people testing it. I would also love to support the community to grow into a vibrant hub where marketeers, developers and people that want to automate and manage their marketing and communication find resources and inspiration on how to do marketing(automation) \"right\".
What do you bring to the Mautic Community Council?
My perspective from working with big clients, international brands on their customer journey optimization and brand experience optimization efforts that nearly every time include tools like Adobe CJO, the Acquia tool stack,Hubspot and the likes.
I know what these companies ain for from a strategic perspective and how data privacy forces them to consider viable alternatives.This knowledge, combined with my work for extremely small and local businesses helps me to uniqy those two very different groups of potential Mautic users.
Why should community members vote for you?
Because I would love to see this community of great and lovely people strive, grow and be as vibrant, inclusive, colorful and welcoming as I experienced it, when I first discovered it. To me the Mautic community is the most welcoming online (and open source) community I ever encountered in the 45 years of my life (and the 26 years of being online)
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