Equip de Comunitat
#MauticCommunityTeam Amplificant el Pols de Mautic: Donem la Benvinguda a Més Persones Innovadores i Impulsem la seva Contribució!
Community Team: Open onboarding call (11 a.m. UTC)
Join us for a community-focused meeting to welcome new contributors, and to discuss the exciting initiatives we're working on to grow the Mautic community.
Key Topics:
- Welcome New Contributors: A warm welcome to our newest community members!
- Understanding Mautic's Mission: A brief overview of Mautic's goals and how we contribute to its success.
- Community Workflows: A deep dive into our collaborative processes and how to get involved.
- Upcoming Initiatives: Discussion of exciting projects and opportunities for contributions.
- Q&A Session: A chance to ask questions and share ideas.
Whether you're a seasoned marketeer or developer or a curious newcomer with none of those backgrounds, this meeting is for you.
Let's connect, collaborate, and drive the future of Mautic together!
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