Campaign Library initiative
#MauticCampaignLibrary Innovation in Action: Establishing Mautic's Campaign Library
Campaign Library phase 1 delivery - weekly update 21 Mar
Hi all
Project name: Campaign Library Phase 1
Status: 🟢 On target
Development continues this week with Levente completing API calls and more advanced features like undo and audit trails. The main challenge was implementing a new duplication checking mechanism using unique IDs that has recently been added to the main Mautic product. As we get further into the work there is more need to discuss some of the finer details to ensure that the correct direction is being taken and we are not adding in undue complexity, or features that veer away from the original vision. This has resulted in tickets being refined and made simpler to deliver as well as slightly different directions being taken. It speaks to the strength of collaboration that as a team we are able to add this refinement as we work through without significant delays or disagreements occurring.
We remain on track overall and this has given confidence to start looking at Phase 2 of the project which will provide the user-facing interface to the library of campaigns that Mautic users can draw on, or upload to for other users to benefit from. We are proposing to integrate the Campaign Library with Mautic's Marketplace functionality giving us the opportunity to extend Mautic's presence on Packagist. Alongside plans for Mautic 8.0, this should raise the profile of the import and export functionality and help Mautic to develop best practice among its users. A new proposal is being prepared to send to NL Net at the beginning of next month which would provide funding for the project to continue. FIngers crossed for that one!
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Thanks for all the great work on this project folks! Really looking forward to seeing it coming into core in Mautic 7!
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