Campaign Library initiative
#MauticCampaignLibrary Innovation in Action: Establishing Mautic's Campaign Library
Campaign Library phase 1 delivery - weekly update 7 Mar
Hi all
Project name: Campaign Library Phase 1
Status: 🟢 On target
This week we have made some good progress with decisions and developing the work, alongside tracking the budget in more detail.
Levente has done a stirling job and is set to complete 8 of 11 tickets in this third sprint ending today, with the highlights being:
- adding in the remaining entities, and excluding company details
- adding the import UI
- validating the user's access permissions on import and export
- validating the JSON formatting to cope with special characters
We are now roughly a third of the way through the work, and Ruth and I did a budget review this week which showed we are a little ahead of where we need to be for the budget, meaning in some areas we've spent more than we planned.
Due to the way in which the funding proposal was put together and how we are tracking against it, we have some funds left unallocated from the first period of the project, but we are already into spending funds from the next sprint before it's strictly started. Ruth and I had some frank conversations about where we are and we have decided to remove one of the 10 sprints from the plan to give us the budget to complete within 9 sprints. The difference is due to the funding proposal being based on deliverables / milestones and work is being logged largely against time only. The estimated cost for 1 sprint doesn't fully cover the actual amount of time both Levente and I are charging to the project. Nevertheless, this reduction of a sprint brings us back in line. The only impact is to reduce testing sprints from 3 to 2, which is still plenty of elapsed time and is unlikely to have a significant difference to delivery quality as we are reviewing as we move through. There is still some contingency allowed if we do encounter unforeseen issues.
Elsewhere I have been experimenting with using AI tools to create Codeception end-to-end test scripts which – as a non-coder – has been enlightening and also slightly frustrating as the process has led me into plenty of blind alleys fixing issues outside of the tests themselves.
In the next sprint we should be more or less complete with the basic import and export functions and looking to cover off edge cases and enhancements, along with API calls. It's coming along!
As always if you have any questions about the project please feel free to message me, either here or on Slack.
Thank you
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Great work @dcjarvis - I'm sure @nox and @patrickjenkner would be more than happy to have a call on the Codeception tests stuff if you need any assistance/guidance in that area!
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