Google Summer of Code
#GSoC Empowering Tomorrow's Coders: Igniting, Innovating, and Inspiring Mauticians of the Future with Google Summer of Code.
Bootstrap upgrade
Project description
Mautic currently uses a very outdated version of Bootstrap, which is inhibiting a lot of the work in the UX/UI Tiger Team. This project involves updating Bootstrap across the application including all the necessary changes to code and layout to support this update, such as switching from LESS to SASS. This project will allow the future development of many new features and enhancements that rely on capabilities introduced by newer versions of Bootstrap.
Expected outcomes
- Update Mautic from the current version of Bootstrap to version <<insert version>>
- Add new NPM packages
- Switch from using LESS to SASS
- Modify the PHP function that copies resources from node_modules to folders used in production
- Documentation update for users and developers where required
- Migrate existing custom utility classes to those introduced by Bootstrap
- Migrate deprecated Bootstrap JS libraries to the new ones (e.g. for tooltips)
- Maintain or increase layout stability for all existing components
- Update the grunt compile-less task to use a new watcher for building the final CSS
- Refactor hardcoded CSS files from each bundle to use SASS instead
- Implement a CSS purifier to remove unused code from the production environment
Skills needed
- JS
Large (350 hours)
Core Development
Primary mentor: AJ Eccel
Additional mentors: John Linhart
Dieser Vorschlag wurde angenommen, weil:
This is a much needed project for Mautic's UX/UI team to move forward with our work on accessibility and modernizing the user interface.
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