General Assembly
#MauticGA A Forum for Collaborative Decision-Making and Strategic Planning in the Mautic Community.
Changes at "General Assembly Meeting"
Title (English)
- +General Assembly Meeting
Title (Deutsch)
Title (Português brasileiro)
Title (Castellano)
Title (Català)
Description (English)
In accordance with section 3.2.1 of Mautic's governance model, all members are hereby summoned to Mautic's General Assembly to be held virtually on 11th July 2024.
The General Assembly has the following powers:
- To elect and remove members of the Community Council and Team Leads
- To propose the forming or disbanding of Teams
- To adopt pricing tiers for membership
- To propose changes to this governance model
Voting will open on 5th June 2025 and will close at the commencement of the General Assembly meeting.
Documentation will be attached to the meeting when available, including a full agenda.
Please use the Proposals section if you would like to propose motions for discussion during the General Assembly.
Description (Deutsch)
Description (Português brasileiro)
Description (Castellano)
Description (Català)
Start time
- +2025-06-19 13:00:00 UTC
End time
- +2025-06-19 14:30:00 UTC
Location (English)
Location (Deutsch)
Location (Português brasileiro)
Location (Castellano)
Location (Català)
Location hints (English)
Location hints (Deutsch)
Location hints (Português brasileiro)
Location hints (Castellano)
Location hints (Català)
- +Governance