#MauticCouncil Council
Über dieses Gremium
Mid-quarter 1 meeting on 1 March: Chair - @andy Note taker - @Ruth Cheesley (she/her)
Q2 meeting on 8 April: Chair - @Dominique Note taker - @Prateek Jain
Mid-Q2 meeting (date TBC): Chair - @Ekke Note taker - @Norman Pracht - could not make it)
Q3 meeting on 2 July: Chair - @Favour Chi Note taker - @john
Mid-Q3 meeting (date TBC): Chair - @john Note taker - @Favour Chi
Q4 meeting (date TBC): Chair - @Norman Pracht Note taker - @Ekke
Mid-Q4 meeting (date TBC): Chair - @Prateek Jain Note taker - @Dominique
Q1 2025 meeting (date TBC): Chair - @Ruth Cheesley (she/her) Note taker - @andy
Think of the Community Council as the guiding force for the Mautic project. They look after the money side of things, deciding on the budget and making sure everything financial is running as it should. They're also the ones managing the project's staff and contractors.
The Council keeps a close eye on how the project is doing overall, and they lead in figuring out how to make sure Mautic can keep growing. This includes working out plans for large-scale fundraising. They also drive the project's long-term strategy.
They're not just focused on money, either. The Council has responsibility for things like Mautic's trademarks and brand assets, and they're the ones who sign off on any contracts to do with the project. Other teams in the project can come up with policies and procedures they think are right, and the Council reviews, documents, communicates, and if everything checks out, adopts them.
They're committed to maintaining a respectful community for the project too, so they're in charge of ensuring any breaches of the Code of Conduct get dealt with properly.
Oh, and one more thing - remember that the Council isn't hiding away in some secret lair. They meet regularly to look over the project and its needs, and you can see their meeting notes and agendas because they're made public.
So in a nutshell, you might hear people talking about Community Council members or representatives. They're just referring to the folks who make up this council.
Past and Upcoming meetings
Mid-Q1 meeting (1 March): Chair - @andy Note taker - @Ruth Cheesley (she/her)
Q2 meeting (8 April): Chair - @Dominique Note taker - @Prateek Jain
Mid-Q2 meeting (28 May): Chair - @Ekke Note taker - @Norman Pracht - could not make it)
Q3 meeting (2 July): Chair - @Favour Chi Note taker - @john
Mid-Q3 meeting (19 Sep): Chair - @john Note taker - @Favour Chi
Q4 meeting (in-person 6 Nov): Chair - @Prateek Jain Note taker - @Dominique
End-Q4 meeting (19 Dec): Chair - @Norman Pracht Note taker - @Ekke
Mid-Q1 2025 meeting (date TBC): Chair - @Prateek Jain Note taker - @Norman Pracht
End-Q1 2025 meeting (date TBC): Chair - @Dominique Note taker - @Simran Sethi
Mid-Q2 2025 meeting (date TBC): Chair - @Ekke Note taker - @Adrian Schimpf
End-Q2 2025 meeting (date TBC): Chair - @john Note taker - @Prateek Jain
Mid-Q3 2025 meeting (date TBC): Chair - @Norman Pracht Note taker - @Dominique
End-Q3 2025 meeting (date TBC): Chair - @Simran Sethi Note taker -@Ekke
Mid-Q4 2025 meeting (date TBC): Chair - @Adrian Schimpf Note taker - @john
End-Q4 2025 meeting (date TBC): Chair - @Dominique Note taker - @Prateek Jain
Interne Organisation
Name - Term starts - Term ends - Next term ends
John Linhart - 2023 - 2026 - 2029
Norman Pracht - 2023 - 2026 - 2029
Dominique De Cooman - 2023 - 2026 - 2029
Ekke Guembel - 2023 - 2025 - 2028
Prateek Jain - 2023 - 2025 - 2028
Simran Sethi - 2024 - 2027 - 2030
Adrian Schimpf - 2025 - 2027 - 2030
Meet the council and get to know more about them here.
The Community Council shall initially have seven (7) representatives. Thereafter, the number of representatives is fixed until a change by a vote of the voting members at an annual meeting of members to another odd number of representatives greater than three (3). Any votes to change the number of representatives during a meeting of the members shall be deemed to take effect before the election of any individual representatives during the same meeting.
Meetings - Bevorstehende Treffen Alle anzeigen (1)
Alle anzeigen (1)Vorschläge Alle anzeigen (7)
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