Google Summer of Code
#GSoC Empowering Tomorrow's Coders: Igniting, Innovating, and Inspiring Mauticians of the Future with Google Summer of Code.
Do you want to contribute to one of the world’s first Open Source Marketing Automation platform? GSoC could be your chance. Please refer to the information below.
If you’re interested in working on a mentor-submitted idea, read the Project Proposals in the tab above, and learn more about the project and the related technology. Please note this is a rolling list of ideas which we maintain year-round - those marked as Accepted and Ready for participants are being considered this year. There is no need to contact the mentor unless you have a specific question about the project. Don’t send an "I’m interested" email or Slack message - please respect their time and if you need to approach them, have specific questions prepared after you've done your research.
If you’re interested in proposing your own project start looking around the Mautic Project for a mentor and suggest your idea in the Slack channel (#gsoc-discuss).
You may also wish to start working on the Mautic-specific parts of the application, see below for more information. Carefully review the student responsibilities section.
Why spend your summer working on FOSS?
When you work in the open on free software, you create a body of work that follows you for the rest of your life. Rather than a coding assignment done by thousands of other students and relegated to the bottom of the drawer at semester’s end, working in FOSS is a chance to contribute to a living project.
Working in FOSS gives you a chance to:
- Work with real-world, large codebases.
- Collaborate with real engineers and other professionals.
- Contribute to something meaningful while learning and earning.
- Learn tools and processes that are just like what you are going to use if you work in technology after graduation.
- Make friends and contacts around the globe.
- Attract attention that can lead to an internship or job after graduation.
- Create lifetime connections and associations.
Why work with Mautic?
Our project is relatively young and has a small but active contributor base - you have the chance to really make a difference to our community and project. We are a welcoming, friendly and diverse community.
People who contribute in our community and do good work are noticed. They get hired for jobs from it. Experience and reputation in the Mautic Project communities can be influential in your career in many ways.
You should know that contributing to FOSS doesn’t require you to have super programming skills, or super-anything else. You just need be interested, curious, and willing to become comfortable being productively lost. This is the state of learning. You learn by finding your way around and figuring things out with the support of your mentor and the community.
Student Responsibilities
You are the key ingredient for your project’s success. This project is important to you, your mentor, and the entire Mautic Community.
Your responsibilities include:
- Communicating early and often with your mentor.
- Updating every week via the Community Portal (check the blog tab above) about what you’re learning, how you’re doing, challenges and successes. This is key way to keep the entire Mautic Community informed.
- Working with your mentor on realistic achievable milestones that provide for regular deliverables and feedback.
- Attending the brief student calls, as announced
- Being accountable for your success and your actions
Student Application
Please read and follow the student application process below.
Google Summer of Code Application Process
Interested in applying for Google Summer of Code with Mautic? Here is how you do that!
The following are specific guidelines for students to use to submit an application for the GSoC program through the Mautic Project. Please go through these carefully and follow them. Applications must be complete by the deadline. Late applications cannot be accepted.
- Timelines are set by Google for the entire program. Follow the timeline.
- Applications are due in Google’s system by April 8 2025 - 18:00 UTC.
- Applications must be filed in the Google system. No other material can be read or accepted.
- The final application is required to be submitted as a PDF.
Student Application Process
Before you do anything, learn about the program and about Mautic. Our mentors do not have the time to explain to you what Mautic is, how it works or how to get set up locally - all of that is already well documented. Check out the Contribution Guidelines.
These links may be helpful:
Begin communicating with the community. Our community members can help you understand the existing project proposals. If you’re going to try and propose your own project, this is a great way to understand the needs of the project and find a mentor.
- Join us on Slack at #gsoc-discuss
- Join the Product Team chat in #t-product
- Get involved with our weekly Open Source Friday sprints by testing bug fixes and new features
Don’t forget to contact mentors on projects that interest you to learn more when you've thoroughly reviewed the project proposal, understand a bit about Mautic and have specific project-related questions. If you’re going to propose a project you must have a mentor at the time of proposal.
Student applications open on March 24 2025 - 18:00 UTC.
The application process consists of 3 steps:
- Create an account on the Forums and Slack
- Join the #gsoc-discuss and #t-product channels on Slack and get contributing to Mautic
- Submit the application/proposal including all requirements in the next section at the Google Summer of Code site - ensure you do this in good time, there are no exceptions made for late submissions. We strongly encourage you to not submit your final PDF until you get feedback about the proposal from your mentor(s).
Help is available! Share your application in progress and get feedback. The mentors can help verify your understanding of the project and provide guidance on whether your plan is good.
If you are submitting an original proposal you must find a mentor. Proposals without mentors will be rejected. Sharing your proposal is key to doing this.
If you don’t want to share your proposal publicly consider using something like a Google Doc and sharing a link with the mentor/reviewers.